One reason, why Tiger would be interesting is Applescript Studio.
I have one task I would like to automate, but it is hard to go fast into Applescript programming. Studio has nice interface for defining the tasks.
One reason, why Tiger would be interesting is Applescript Studio.
I have one task I would like to automate, but it is hard to go fast into Applescript programming. Studio has nice interface for defining the tasks.
Few remarks, which I have found recently..
1. Sleep - for some reason it goes to sleep slower and sometimes, when it wakes up, mousepad is not working. I can change applications, but cannot write or move mouse. I have noticed some strange behavoiur concerning my bluetooth mouse. Especially when I put it to sleep with bluetooth mouse attached. Nothing in logfiles. Sometimes the situation resolves with waiting but I also had to restart few times.
2. DHCP - in few cases it has not updated IP address if connected over wireless interface. Restart has been a cure in this situation. Seems that some address lease or similar issues are reason for that.
Other than that all is working fine and I will stay with Panther 10.3.9 for a while and am not upgrading to Tiger yet.
Today morning - no network. Started to investigate, PC had wireless network, after some trying also Airport on mac woke up, but my main network interface on mac, Orinoco card connected to antenna and remote 3Mb external link, was down.
System log said:
May 4 07:53:13 localhost kernel: org_noncontiguous_WirelessDriver: _wi_receivePacket(), bad status
I am using drivers from
So I uninstalled drivers and reinstalled them again - now this PCMCI card is working again. What was the problem???
Yeah, in the middle of Skype conf call, where few people were with SkypeOut and few with regular Skype. I was running many programs at once and tried to get latest data from finance via IE and Skype was running, Edonkey, ftp client, Safari with blog editor, Neo-office, Excel, Entourage and Lotust notes.
So as I was shifting between applications and filling excel with data and suddenly mac just stopped! I hope you never see this screen. In many languages it said, that this machine needs to be rebooted NOW! I found nothing in logfiles later... So I rebooted and continued work, files were recoverable, but still, really annoiyng message.
Later today, after my nap in afternoon, it was humming and screen was black. It did not recovered from that and I had to reboot it again. Is this all because of 10.3.9? Stay tuned, I will write again, if something happens.
Neo-office had 3rd patch coming out to its release candidate version office software.
I also updated Panther to 10.3.9 and no probles occured with Java or other anomalies of wich a lot of people talked in the web.
Also made manual backups to network drive mounted from PC, but one FREE!!! backup tool is also under testing. iBackup will make backups to drive or network mount of all mac preferences etc...