Parasiil on mac

Friday, March 30, 2007

Software that sounds unreal

Have not tried Delicious Monster yet, but based on description...
Take any DVD, book or video and show the barcode to iSight and it is entered to your own library that you can share.

Skydiving season is approaching and maybe this year I can wear more camerahelmet. So Blurb is something that would help me publish my pictures quickly to book format.

Thanks to Andres, fresh MacBook owner.


Friday, March 23, 2007

Pair your remote

Macs are beautiful for normal folks and also thieves. That is why Orbicule has developed theftsernsor that makes stealing at least quite noisy.

I was working normally and all of a sudden my mac went to sleep. There was just a quick flash of Apple remote shown. It turned out that if you don't have your remote paired with your MacBook, then any remote can control you machine.

- Pairing with "Menu" and "Play/Pause" button simultaneously for 5 sec.
- Sleepmode when "Play/Pause" pushed for some time.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Discover hidden features from OS X

Every once and a while there are some articles concerning hidden tips in operating systems. This is another one with few interesting features accessible through terminal:
- hidden applications' dock icons translucent
- Forces all mail to be displayed as plain text
- Displays the currently chosen screen saver to be shown as the desktop background